Friday, January 25, 2008

Little things guests never know about, but affect their stay.

When I stay in any accommodation by myself or with my family, I make notes about 'little' things they do to make the stay more pleasant. When I walk around the properties I help manage, I try to think of myself as the guest, and what is important in their daily living there.

Here is a little thing example: Carpeting the garage pillars.

Pretty boring huh? Not smart to say in our marketing "We Carpet our Garage Pillars!" Not terribly sexy. Many of our units have secured, underground parking. Most spaces are 1.5 car widths wide, so they are easy to park in. Still, between each space is a concrete pillar both separating the spaces and helping to hold up the buildings.

I noticed over the years other owners wrapping these pillars with protective carpeting to avoid car scratches. So we are doing it. Not to sell our suites. Not to raise prices. Just to avoid a guest accidently scratching their car. The guest would probably not tell me anyway. But their experience would go down a scratch. We would be forever 'the place I got that car scratch.'

Little things add up to sum experience. Work to make it a good one for your guests, and you will succeed in the hospitality business.